Poem – Welcome To The Hebrides

Me performing poetry – Taken by Andy N

The crops have failed again this year

And we can’t find a virgin Christian cop we can steer

Manipulate and engineer

Into helping us out

There aren’t that many celibate policemen about

And the Islanders insist

Our harvest festival should not be missed

So we are looking for a volunteer

To get in a boat or a seaplane and come to us here

We guarantee a very warm welcoming fire

While we all sing and dance in some traditional costumes we hire

Specially for the day

You’ll love the pole we prance around every first of May.

We keep our old pastimes fresh and alive:

Fertility dancing continues to thrive.

You can stay over at the Green Man Inn

Lord Summerisle himself often pops in.

You’ll get to see the spectacular sunrise view

When we lift up and elevate you

Into our famous giant wicker-weave art installation

While we gather round in great jubilation

We will keep well back to avoid smoke inhalation

In the interests of our safety and health.

We’ll all reap in the benefits as you sacrifice yourself

To nature and you will have served the greater good

Just like that last chap who came here, Edward Woodwood.

Oh, there was one other bloke, who we sadly failed to please

He didn’t like it when he got stung by lots of bees

But Summerisle assures us that won’t happen to you

Just don’t expect to go home and write about us in a Tripadvisor review.

Arthur Chappell

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