Burlesque – A Poem

She’d barely started out

When her boss heard about

Her weekend performing burlesque

And made her clear her desk

Poster from a burlesque cabaret I organized

Saying she was out of step with corporate identity

His baleful tone full of prejudice and enmity

Accusing her of conduct unbecoming, rude and lewd

As one of the up and coming Queens of the not quite nude

On the striptease scene

Treating her as cheap, nasty, unclean and obscene.

This from the man who had patted her arse and stroked her breasts

Calling his actions a series of staff loyalty tests.

A burlesque performer in mid-dance

She slipped out quietly, with neither anger or tears.

He wouldn’t see her again for another four years

When he went along to a cabaret show

And there was a performer he felt he ought to know.

The Compere had welcomed her on to much audience anticipation

She’d already appeared at venues throughout the nation.

“This girl could never be mutton dressed as lamb.

Give a great big hand for Wham Bam Thank You Pam.”

Bossman couldn’t quite remember where he knew her from

Though she’d often patched calls through to his intercom

But then she got into her act

A parody of the day she was sacked

Except now she stripped off her uniform

Throwing it at the fat guy picked out to perform

The role of her boss

Showing him that she didn’t give a toss

She was breaking free from his sexist crap

And crude invitations to sit in his lap.

She spiked his hand with her stiletto heel,

Revenge for all the times he’d tried to cop a feel.

He had thought dismissal would break her

But he had helped to set her free,

Gave her independence and liberty.

The real boss saw himself in the mirror world she revealed

Her clothes came off but he felt it was his soul being peeled

Back layer by layer as the audience cheered

He felt as if they jeered

At him, the only one there not enjoying the dance

The poor bastard didn’t stand a chance.

Protest would prove he was her inspiration

He sat there drowning in his own perspiration

As everyone celebrated her liberation

He was her Muse. He’d lit this fuse

And now she was exploding in his face

Showing him up as an utter disgrace.

The more she removed the stronger she grew

While he shrank into himself as deep down he knew

She’d probably been doing this routine

At his expense since he drove her out.

Why did he feel exposed when she was the one waving her flesh about?

Burlesque performer Trixxie Carr

He left before she got down to tit-tape and tassel

He didn’t want to hear the laughter or go through the hassle

Of being identified with lots of giggling, pointing, and staring.

He told himself she was a whore though he admired her daring

And he couldn’t deny that she was turning him on

But he had to get out of there and get himself gone.

She never saw him in the theatre that night

He saw himself in a very different light

Though he could never change his ways

He hassled other women employees

Especially naïve young trainees

Right up to the pre-trial tribunal hearing

That sent his career careering

When he tried to make a secretary dance a burlesque

His own private show right before his office desk

Hoping for a Wham Bam Thank You Pam he could control.

He’ll be out in ten years if he gets parole.

Pam dances in many a man’s dreams

But only one man finds her a nightmare causing screams

The liberated woman supressing the bastard who drove her out

Even though she never ever found out about

The night he saw her show

But she inspired many girls to give burlesque a go

Setting themselves free from the sexist slobs

Ruining their relationships and jobs

Finding themselves as they break free from their basques,

Corsets, silk stockings, gloves and masks;

Shedding their inhibitions

In bold shameless exhibitions

That only the truly repressive could fail to adore.

As her discarded clothes fall to the floor

Her oppressor takes another cell block thrashing

And threats to return, dashing

His brains out if he wakes everyone up screaming again

They want to know why but how can he explain

That a woman taking her clothes off terrifies him in such a way?

Wam Bam Thank You Pam continues to dance her cares away.

When she reads of her old boss committing suicide in his shame

She doesn’t even recognize his name.

Arthur Chappell

Premiered at the Ramsbottom Literature Festival, Saturday 21st November 2015 – Performed by me at various burlesque shows since.

Photos taken by me – poster from my show designed by Lethal Gem.

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