Dr Who – The Devil’s Chord

Serious spoilers

While Space Babies was flawed it had some charm.  Devil’s Chord was a train crash.

TARDIS in FAB Cafe, Manchester – taken by me

Jinx Monsoon was magnificently OTT as Maestro, but so much else falls flat – this wasn’t a song with a bum note – it was Agadoo from start to finish.

Maestro appears through the piano teacher’s piano and he just seems surprised – virtually anyone would crap themselves, scream and run for the door.   The boy called Harbinger is seemingly killed off, but returns later without explanation of point. 

The Doctor and Ruby dress for 63, and look great, except Ruby wears a 1966-7 mini dress and the Doctor looks 70’s Blackspoitation caricature. I expected to hear the Funk Soul Brother music.

Abbey Road – the dawn of Beatlemania and screaming fans likely to pursue the FAB Four anywhere and the studio has zero security.

The Beatles – So unlike the actual mop tops – I look more like Lennon than the bloke they had play him.  Also devoid of Scouse accents.

 As to Cilla, I wouldn’t have guessed it was supposed to be her at all and she casually accepts Ruby into the duetting too.

Just how musical is Ruby?  We first saw her playing keyboard for a band in a nightclub in Church, but now she composes complex orchestrations worthy of Beethoven.  The Mary Sue of a Doctor also proves totally musical. 

The Beatles singing crap was a good plot point but even when Maestro goes there are no actual Beatle song bars. John &  Paul save the day randomly by playing / composing any old crap. 

The CGI music notes turned it all rather Roger Rabbit. 

The nod to Pyramids Of Mars was neat until it heralded in the music-duel – Devil Went Down To Georgia.  Maestro seems to win this hand down, but runs away in terror seeing that Ruby has a powerful entity/evil in her that is being saved for later.  Lennon & McCartney just happen to hit the magic reset button chord that can banish Maestro and she vanishes – It is horribly anti-climatic.  It’s like the Sontarans, are about to win but run away coz the Daleks have been seen in the galaxy.

The nods to the 4th Wall.   Maestro sparking the DW theme was fun and cheeky, but then she and the Doctor make several winks and nods to camera, and then Oh Christ on a bike, The Twist.  1/. Not every companionship has ended with a twist (surprise ending). 2/. The song is crap and if they were going to wrap up with a song it ought to have been a Beatles number – not a general stomp around promise of the season finale twist to come.

Jimmy Durante – The Guy Who Found The Lost Chord  ‘The Best A Man Can Get’  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdEF-Fcm9CM 

Arthur Chappell

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