Poem – Snubbed

Arthur performing at Vinyl Tap, Preston – photo by Kelsey

You are not even offered the most basic social greeting

As you arrive at the party, the reunion event or the meeting.

They haven’t seen you in months, but don’t ask how you are.

No interest in what your journey was like though they know you travelled far.

A forced polite smile is about the best you can hope to receive

No one says hello as you arrive or goodbye as you or they leave

You wonder what you said or did that was wrong

There was a time when you felt you felt like you did belong

In the company of the elite that seems to be closing ranks

Even if you pass someone their drink you’re lucky if you get so much as a ‘thanks’.

They know you had cancer, and your Mum is dying

That even if you don’t show it, inside you are crying

They chat to each other  around you as if you were a ghost

Distancing themselves from you when you need them the most

You try to join in an ongoing conversation but you might as well simply not be there

Sometimes they look at you in consternation, and sometimes they practically stare

While you end up with a table all to yourself

The last puppy on the pet shop shelf.

Arthur performing at Vinyl Tap, Preston – photo by Kelsey

Everyone hates


Your efforts to initiate conversation

Evaporate like heatwave condensation

Gaining grunts, tuts and excuses to move away

You are left feeling like the bad player not chosen to play

On the team, and no one has the courtesy to even try

Offering you any explanation or reason why

You are suddenly persona non-grata, someone to shun

Not giving a toss that you don’t seem to be having all that much fun

You show signs of despair, mental illness and depression.

Maybe they avoid eye contact with you for fear you’ll give expression

To how you really feel  with dementia eating away at your mum

You stoma bag burden, not quite being cancer free, anxieties leaving you numb

Inside, in need of hugs, and some degree of inclusion

Not being made to feel being present at all is an unwelcome intrusion

For which chairs will be turned to face away

And friends ignoring most of what you try to say.

I’ve had family stealing my property

Cowardly narcissists scoring pointless points off of me

A cult stole my mind for nearly five years.

Is it an wonder some level of neurosis rears

It’s head after my run in with cancer?

In what way is a wall of social silence any kind of answer?

You look as if you are struggling to recover from some kind of attack

So the lack of support is just a way some people have of piling on the back.

Someday you might crash and burn out a bit too.

When and if you do somehow everything to do with you

Becomes forbidden, verboten, no-go, taboo.

That you had a new book published fails to impress

If anything your achievements makes some so called  ‘friends’ merely quite jealous.

Though somehow you found yourself invited to some social event

Some of those present seem to regret and resent

You turning up there.

There was a time when they seemed to  genuinely care

But something went wrong, so you are made to feel alienated

You used to feel wanted and loved but now you just feel unjustly berated and hated.

I hope such social distancing is not something I ever do

Even to someone stressed out, unwell, or smelling like poo.

A group of friends should not start behaving like some exclusive elite

Sending someone to Coventry is a way to bully, intimidate and mistreat

In a way that only rapists, paedos and killers probably deserve

It is not something any of should ever serve

On someone for being merely a little out on the edge of their tether

Looking unhappy, or feeling a touch under the weather.

When you know full well a friend has been or still goes through serious shit

You shouldn’t need it spelling out to you in the slightest bit

That you should show you still care and that they are still welcome by your side

Turning your back on them will only tear them apart even more inside.

If you’ve ever left me or anyone else feeling left on the shelf

You really ought to be fucking ashamed of yourself!

Arthur Chappell

My Mums Dementia

My Mum’s Dementia

My mum, now aged 83, has Vascular dementia, and as I live in a different city and my sister, though caring for my Mum, has fallen out with me and only gives me occasional updates.

My Mum is now being moved between hospitals and nursing homes, despite her strokes leaving her paralyzed down one side, This means she’ll almost certainly never revisit the old family home she still owns, and not getting updates on her locations makes it near impossible for me to get to my old home city to visit her.

Medication dispensers (mine)

My sister, a year younger than me, fell out with me over a decade ago when I exposed her then 30 year old son for stealing my DVD’s off me. She refused totally to ever talk to me ever again unless she had to and got her husband, 3 sons and their wives to all totally snub me too, though my Mum refused to cut me off.

My sister eventually threatened to stop her family from attending family Xmas unless I was refused entry (which my mum caved in to) and later persuaded my Mum to pressure me to leave the family home though then unemployed. The local council wanted me to become fully homeless and live on the streets before considering me for rehousing but friends were able to fix me up with a very nice rented bedsit flat in another city, (Preston) further alienating me from my Mum.

My Mum has had a number of health problems. She has a brittle bone condition, similar to that of Samuel L Jackson’s character Mr Glass in the movie Unbreakable. She once broke two ribs just sneezing.  She later got type 2 Diabetes (which I have to be regularly tested for), and then had a severe heart attack to reduced her to 40% heart function.

Now in the last six months her dementia has kicked in.


My Mum in happier times

As my Mum’s health has disintegrated my sister has given me few updates, and got paperwork signed to make herself the next of kin, and gained full power of attorney for my mum.  which would normally be me as the oldest sibling. Now my Mum is at stage 5 (of 7) dementia,  suffering strokes, one of which has left her half paralysed, and barely eating (she is down to about 6 stone despite and on top of her severe diabetes), and with her dementia, I am getting few updates when I contact my Sister for news. At one point I only learned my Mum had been moved to another care unit when my sister accidentally sent me a voice mail message about it meant for someone else. It was only on seeing that vascular dementia is directly  linked to strokes and asked her about that when my sister finally told me yes my Mum had been having strokes (to me a basis for immediately notifying me of a serious change in my Mum’s condition).

1/. I seriously worry my sister won’t even tell me right away when my Mum dies or the date/time of the funeral. 2/. She might well try and engineer me out of any inheritance. 3/. I feel a horrible desire that my Mum dies sooner rather than later to end what must be very miserable and frightening experience for her. I hate myself for thinking that but there it is.

She frequently asks why her own mother and her husband (both long dead) are not visiting her.  All I can do is wait this out.

Photos taken by me.

Arthur Chappell